Friday, March 27, 2009

The Shining

This movie was kind a scary, it had it's moments but it wan't to scary. 5 stars. This is the best part in the movie.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


This movie was a great horror film. It's not exsactly scary till the end though, 5 stars!

A Nightmare On Elme Street

This movie was great, but one heck of a scary movie. It had good graphics, and special effects, everything, about it is great! 10 stars!

I din't exspect for this one to be as great as the first movie, but it sure was. Noy exsactly 10 stars, but definently 7.

This one was even better, i give it 9 stars!

This one picked up after the third movie, and it had some brutal parts in it, but those brutal parts are mostly when freddy gets killed.

Haven't seen this one.

This was one of the best. It was a scary fun one, and i give it 10 stars again!


This movie was another movie, by the ring people. I gotta say it was scary, and had a great plot, and had good acting.

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1408 is a really great movie. It was kind a slow in the beggining but really picks up, after he enters the hotel. 4 stars! great movie!


This movie was a great, and pretty scary slasher flick. But the twist is, it's not some masked villan. They're children!


This movie is highly recomended! It is a scary, alien flick, that gave me nightmares for life! 5 stars!


I finally got it right! I got all the trailers right! But you wanna know what sucks? I haven't seen all the Halloween's, but i'll just put up all the trailers anyway.


Sorry. I didn't realize that i had halloween 2 posted two different times. But when i said this one has no blood at all, i ment the first movie. well you've heard the first, and second, now it's time to hear the third.

The third one is nothing really about the murderer, it's just known as season of the witch. People didn't really like this one, but you have to think it's a movie without a murderer.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


This movie seems like it would have blood but theres none at all!

This one has blood atleast, and its scarier than the first.

Post more Halloweens later!

In The Mouth Of Madness

This movie is freaky and wrong! This whole movie is scary!


I hope you enjoyed my last post, but, lets get to the grudge! This movie was disapointing. It was by the same people of the ring, and the messengers, and i almost fell asleep! It was a slow movie, but a good movie. I'm not litterly saying it was a terrible movie, but it was almost not watchable, because it felt more like you were watching a drama. But, i asure you this movie has some scary, intense parts, that make your mind go wild. But one thing you go to remember, is to, have imagination for, the ring, the messengers, and the grudge. But that just didn't make me want to imagine anything. Just some plain old horror, with a side of disturbing images. 3 stars, and i say i probaly recomend it, for peopel who have big imagination!


Now lets take a break on movies, and read half of a horror storie, that I'm writting!


I was scared. For the first time in a long time I was scared. First let me tell you how I got scared. In my weird school, if I get 5 demerits I get to go to a discipline school. As they say it.
This school makes you dress up nicely, they give you twice the homework, and I heard one time they abused a kid. But those are just rumors, I hope.
Why do I say I hope? Well I’m going next Monday. It was Friday and I sat outside eating lunch instead of inside, with my friend Henry. We were officers of the school so we had to patrol the halls. And since it was the day everyone went out to eat, I had to make sure nobody causes mischief.
Well as I said Henry and, me sat outside eating lunch. He had his feet on the table as he sat back in his chair. Everyone sat in a table with their best friends. Two a table is what everyone sits, so nobody gives a hell if Henry puts his feet up on the table and escapes into leisure land.
He had a plate of fish sticks, and I had a turkey sandwich with an apple and apple juice. He just had fish sticks.
“ You remember what happened last time you did that?” I said with a mouthful of apple.
“ I know I fell over, but that’s not going to happen to me again. I’ll be more careful.” Henry said.
“ I’m just saying it would be embarrassing for everyone seeing a safety officer tip over in a chair.”
I swallowed.
“ Not very safe at all.” I said.
“ Shut up James, oh yeah and I see someone smoking over there.” Henry said. He took his feet off the table and got from the chair, and put a whistle in his mouth. I got up to and put a whistle in my mouth.
“ Let’s go.” I said taking one more bite of my apple.
Henry stuck a fish stick in his mouth. “ Lets go.”
We had orange, and yellow vests on, and we held up stop signs as we walked up to the hooligans with cigarettes. “ Hey put out your cigarette.”
I said.
“ Yeah we can report you to the principle.” Henry said.
“ Oh were so scared.” One of them said.
“ We don’t even go to your dumb old school, sixlets.” Another one said.
Another one said.
“ Were not putting out any cigarettes, or leave. You dumb little Middle schooler.” The first one said. Then they all flicked their cigarettes on the ground. Nobody noticed.
“ Hey that could start a fire!” Henry said. “ You could kill a bunch of people.”
“ So what!” The first one said. “We need all the little kids of this crappy town burned, so they can go to hell!”
“ Now shut up and leave us alone!” Another one said. And yet again he called us stupid.
“ Well if were so stupid, then why aren’t we smoking?” Henry said.
“ I’m sure you could tell us who’s smarter by the decisions they make!” I said.
“ Sorry that leaves you to go to hell.” Henry said. He got out a small trash bag and picked up the cigarettes before they did any damage.
The high school kids though dropped their cigarettes on the ground. Henry picked one up. And I came to help, so I slapped on some black rubber gloves, and picked up one, then two, then three.
Then we both stood out ground and started saying,
“ Now just so you know, we can call the cops on you for doing this, and I’m sure, you’ll be scared then.” Henry and me poked their cigarettes into their chest smashing the tobacco into their shirt. And then a gross smoke smell made the air toxic. The high school people grabbed me, and Henry by the arms and held them tightly.
“ Now you little kids are dead meat!” the first one said making my arm hurt more as he twisted more. “ Hoe does that feel? Huh?” Henry and I still held the cigarettes in are hands so that’s when our principle walks out with a student.
She put a whistle in her mouth. As she blew hard as she possibly could we knew it was coming towards us.
“ Oh dang!” Henry said with a discouraged look.
“ Put down those right now!” The principle said as loud as she could. We dropped the cigarettes immediately.
“ You officers know you can’t smoke on school grounds! Anyway you’re under age!” She said. Henry and, me put on frown faces.
“ This is so low, especially for safety patrollers!” She stopped with the kid by her. The high schoolers still held on to out wrists like their life depended on it. And soon they let go.
“ Oh we, uh just were telling these young folks not to smoke.” The first high school kid said.
The principle made a suspicious face like she knew the high school kids weren’t in middle school. “ Aren’t you guys a little to old to be hanging around?” She asked.
“ Uh yeah we were just taking a lunch break and we were walking along and we saw these felloes smoking. So we came over to stop them before they ruined their precious little lives.” The first one said. The others nodded and just muttered uh huh. Like they were agreeing.
“ Good. I’ll call your school and tell them you did that. Good deed. I’m proud of you all.” She said with a dignified smile.
“ As for you two. You should be ashamed! Your way under age for smoking, and on school grounds to!” Henry and I stood there with horror looks.
“ Bu- bu” I muttered.
“ No buts mister. I’m calling your parents and then your getting 3 demerits each. And you’re being resigned from your badges.” She ripped off a patch that was sticking to Henry’s shoulder. Then she ripped off mine.
She made a grunt and turned, she walked away in her red high heels. “ Ha, you guys got busted!” The kid said. “ I knew I could make a difference someday.”
“ Shut up!” Henry said. He pushed on the kid’s chest he fell back a little.
Later that day in Math class I hung my feet out the side of the chair that I sat in, and so did Henry. He sat next to me, and we put our feet together pushing to see who’s stronger. We were doing a test on geometry. I hate it, and not good at it, but Henry is, and the only reason I took this class is because of him. We do everything together.
Our teacher Mrs. Ronald sat at her desk looking down at a book. She had brown outlined glasses, and she wore a black squirt, and a blue top. She was very old to.
While she sat there just looking old and mean she tapped her feet annoyingly. It almost made me not focused.
Henry made a strong push on my feet. I made a stronger push next. He grunted then pushed harder. And as we did that we didn’t notice, the person walking in our direction.
And he didn’t seem to notice our feet. Then he tripped. It happened so fast. The kid fell over, and landed on his head with a crack.
Nobody noticed until some girl saw blood trickling towards her feet, and the kid starting to cry hard.
“ Owe, owe.” He yelled loudly. The teacher stopped paying attention to her book and looked up.
“ Huh, what happened?” She stood up, quickly tossing her book to the side.
Then the teacher noticed our feet out from under the desk.
“ We swore it was an accident. Honestly.” I yelled.
“ Well I don’t care you two have two demerits, what is that now five?” She asked, as she pointed towards the doorway. We swung our legs over.
The kid was still crying, and blood came out of everyway from his head. And we started our way down to the office.
And that’s why for the first time in a long time, I’m scared.

We headed down to the office. Our heads slumped as we walked along the hallways. We weren’t even talking to each other. We were about to go to hell.
We stopped at the door, and sighed. “ What are we going to do?” I asked.
“ I don’t know James. All I know is that were going to go to special school.” Henry said discouraged.
“ I don’t want to go through that!” I said.
“ Shhh. Just lets walk in there like gentle men and say were sorry.” Henry said.
“ Should we tell them the story about the smokers?” I asked.
“ No. They won’t believe us. They think were the smokers.” Henry said.
“ But we can say we didn’t mean to trip that kid making him break his head.” I said.
“ They wont believe that either. We’ll just have to go through that school like grown men!” Henry said.
“ But what if something bad happens?” I asked.
“ Nothing bad will happen.” Henry said.
We became quiet and just looked at the door again.
“ Ready to go in?” I asked. Henry gulped, and so did I.
“ Yep.” And in that instant I pushed on the door and it opened to a dark room. A large desk stood in the center of it and a large chalkboard hung behind it. The desk had a huge blue comfy chair at the back of it, and at the front an apple with a perfectly good crisp green leaf out the stem.
Pictures of the principle, and supposed her husband jugging and kissing. And probably her children. I guess it could be her children if she had any or grand children.
A huge beanbag chair sat in the corner, and another one sat at the other corner. There were two lamps; one on each side of the desk, but neither one was on. There was a large window behind the desk but it didn’t even produce light.
The blinds were down, and just a pinch opened. “Were is she?” I asked.
Henry dignified my answer with just a small shrug.
“ Doesn’t it strike you odd that the principle is never in her office?” I asked.
And it was true. I’ve been in her office before discussing how some person was goofing off, and Henry and I always have to wait ten to fifteen minuets sitting on the beanbag waiting.
And when we finally give up, and almost walk out forgetting it, she walks in!
“ I guess she doesn’t know yet.” Henry said.
“ Yeah if she’s not on the phone talking to someone about us going to this special school, I’ll get mad.” And right as I finished that sentence the principle walked in with a mad as heck look on her face.
She made a mad grunt.
“ So, I see that you both have 5 demerits. Is that true or was your teacher pulling my chain about that kid braking his head?” she asked.
“ It’s true, but we didn’t mean to honestly!” I said.
“ We didn’t see him coming…” Henry was interrupted.
“ It was a she.” The principle said with a sharp scowl.
My mouth dropped. “ Well as we I said though, we didn’t mean it. He, I mean she didn’t see our feet out in the way.” Henry said.
“ Yeah, and those smokers, then framed us. They were smoking, and we told them to back off. They threw their cigarettes on the ground, and we picked them up.” I said.
“ Yeah and we were trying to teach them a lesson by smudging their tobacco in their shirt.” Henry said.
“ I don’t care the way your trying to lie and get out of this but it just won’t work! Either you go to special school or go back to fifth grade!”
She yelled at the top of her voice. It was so squeaky and annoying I couldn’t bare it. She sat down her glasses bumping on her cheek.
“ But…” Henry started.
“ As I said before no buts. And your going to that school and that’s finale.” She grunted again and sat back down. Then she sat back, leaning into her chair.
And I thought hope you fall over! I imagined her fat body breaking the chair and her falling back. I imagined a sharp defining crack as if she had broken her back, and her glasses breaking in her eyes. I imagined her sharp squeals of help, and crying. And me, and Henry laughing, and leaving the room.
I shook the fantasy out of my head.
“ Now, you are going to East Henrietta Drive. In Keyntya Park. When you see Unit project Middle school your there.” She said. “ Now Wright that down right now.”
Henry, and I got out our planners. “Repeat it please.” I said.
“ Fine this is the last time though. Ok.” She said.
“ Ok.” I said. And I started righting down.

Saturday morning was even worse. When I got home Friday my parent’s yelled at me and said I had to make up for it. They said I would be the murderer in New York if I keep it up.
I tried to tell the real story but they didn’t believe me. They had probably nothing better to do than ground me, and yell and maybe send me off to military school.
But on Saturday morning I had to do a number of tiring chores like mowing the lawn. (With a weed whacker!) Laundry, (everyone’s) cleaning the garage, giving my dog and cat a bath, and worst of all cleaning the poop in the back yard. I had to do many more but I can’t number or tell t hem all, there was just so much!
But that night lying in my bed with my dirty clothes on felt so good. My room though isn’t very inviting. It has red pain on the walls making it look like blood, pictures of scary movies on the walls, sharp knives mounted on the walls, and one gigantic one dangling in the middle of the room, and stuffed animals.
One was a stuffed eagle with its nails out sharp, and a sharp beak sticking out. But since I was used to it, I didn’t mind it all that much.
Luckily the work paid off because right now I’m aloud to talk on the phone with Henry. I’m going to see how bad he has it.
I dilled his number 342- 77-877. I put the phone up to my ear and waited for a “ Hello” to answer. The phone though just kept ringing.
Finally a “ Hello” came.
“ Hi, is Henry there?” I asked. I knew it wasn’t Henry, when the voice spoke, it sounded like a girl.
“ Yes let me go get him.” The voice said, and a crackling sound came through the phone like someone just set it down.
“ Henry.” The voice called. It sounded in the distance.
“ Yeah?” That voice sounded like Henry.
“ Someone wants to talk to you.” The sweet girl voice said.
“ Be down in a minuet.” Henry said.
My head slouched. I’m so bored I repeated in my head. I just had the worst week ever! I repeated that to. Everything was quiet, but then a crackling sound came through the phone as if someone was picking it up.
“ Hello.” Henry finally said.
“ Hey Henry, it’s James.” I said.
“ Hey!” Henry shouted to the phone. There was a moment of silence then Henry spoke again. “ So glad you called. You just got me out of cleaning my room!”
“ Good. I just called to say I’m bored and need to talk.” I said glumly.
“ Me to. I got to say that a whole day of saying in your room, and starring at the ceiling all day can affect you.” Henry said.
“ So that’s your punishment?” I asked.
“ Yep. But now I got to clean my room. It’s so freaking suckish. I hate it.” Henry said.
“ Well your lucky!” I said. “ I wish I was you, or at least my parents were like yours!”
“ Why?” Henry asked suspiciously.
“ Because my parent’s have made me clean all day. It’s so tiring, and boring, I might as well kill myself. Seriously I might kill myself!” I joked in a serious kind a way.
“ Well that sounds mighty serious!” Henry joked.
“ So, are you ready to go to freak school?” I asked.
“ Sure. I mean you have to be a little excited. Imagine how cool it is breaking out record of goodness, and no demerits. I felt good actually getting them, because I finally experienced what it felt like. To be bad.” He sounded excited. “ And I always wondered what the special school was like. Monday, well we’ll figure it out.”
“ But they’re so strict! I heard that once they abused a poor innocent 6th grader with a knife, paddle and whip.” I said worried.
“ But those are all myth’s. Rumors. It’s not like it’s true.” Henry said.
“ I know but I also hate teachers that are strict.” I said.
“ James do you know, teachers are more mean to you than you are to them.” He joked.
“ Don’t take a simple it’s okay thing and turn it inside out.” I said.
“ Well still, think of it as an adventure. A fun new experience was we could act like robots!” He said. “As if we are in a horror story, were at the end we save the day!”
“ It’s not like that though. We can’t get out of this or else were being held back a grade.” I said.
“ That’s why we enjoy it. And maybe if it’s true that they abuse children then we can report that to the police!” Henry said reassuringly. “ That became illegal like bazillion’s of years ago. This is the chance to see what it’s like to be a bad kid!”
“ Well I don’t like it, and I don’t see how you’d like it either! This will be put on our permanent records, forbidding me to getting into any great colleges.” I said.
“ Well I’m not to excited, I just want to know what it feels like.” Henry said.
“ I don’t know. I just want to stay in our own school. Like what if there’s like a shoot out or something. Like a kid going crazy, who ends up shooting or stabbing everyone in the head!” I said.
“ We can escape.” Henry said.

“ Ok you can be excited about being shot in the head but I’m sure not!” I said.
“ Well of course that won’t happen.” Henry said.
In the back round of Henry’s house I heard his mom saying, “ Get off the phone and come finish your room right now, Henry.”
“Uh, mom I’ll be done in a second.” He yelled back. “ Ok my mom said I have to go, but just so you know, think about what it’s going to be like. Just think about it.”
I grunted into the phone. I still couldn’t believe Henry was actually excited to go to Goth school. “Well than by.” I said.
“ By.” Henry said back and we hung up.
My head lied down on my pillow. It was only 6:30 so I didn’t have to go to bed. But I was so tired I couldn’t bare it.
But I was getting the sheets brown and dirty, I did fall in the mud, and poop I was picking up, and I still have not cleaned myself up yet, so I went into the bathroom took off my clothes, and hopped into the shower.


Monday, the day I could wait for the rest of my life, and never reach it. The day was I had to confront a killer and be smacked across the face by the teacher. The day when I can be stabbed and whipped in the back, and the day when I’ll be murdered.
The morning started with butterflies in my stomach. My mom woke me up, and opened the blinds. I shielded my eyes from the burning sun. “Wake up sleepy head.” She said with a smile. I opened my eyes and made a grunt. They burned.
My clothes hung off at the end of the bed. My mom says on the bed beside me.
“ Now James, I know that you’re about to go into the bad school, for Goths, as you say it, but don’t be discouraged. I believe you that you didn’t really mean to do all that stuff. Your were framed.” My mom said.
“ Then why did you say you didn’t believe me when I confronted you guys.” I asked.
“ Oh because your dad would yell at me if I didn’t follow along. He’s a big butt hole.” She said again.
“Oh. So your not mad?” I asked.
“ Yes dear, I’m not mad. Just when your father makes you do chores again, do it.” She slapped my leg and smiled. She got up, and right before closing the door she turned around and said; “ Take a shower and come down for breakfast.”
She closed the door.
I did as she told me. I took off all my clothes, and took a shower, then put on deodorant. Then put on the clothes she put on the end of the bed for me.
I walked down stairs smelling bacon and eggs. Then as I got closer cinnamon, and syrup.
“ What are we having?” I said as I walked into plain sight. My dad sat at the table with a book highlighting important stuff, and my mom was at the stove.
She turned around with a big bright smile. “ Well eggs bacon, pancakes, hash browns, and sausage.” She said. My dad still hadn’t said a word.
“ Sounds good.” I said.
“ To bad you’re not getting any. Just toast.” My dad finally talked.
“ What!” I said surprised.
“ Well to bad, that’s part of your punishment, nothing good, fun or anything of that matter.” He said.
“ But that’s not fair!” I said.
“ To bad.”
I turned to my mom. She shrugged and mouthed the words, “ Follow your father.” I scowled.
“ Now go get you backpack. Were leaving early.” He said.
I scowled again, and went to my mom. She gave me a perfect peace of bread with butter. And on top of it were eggs bacon, and sausage. “ Thanks.” I whispered. She kissed me on the cheek.
I ran off, and rolled my perfect breakfast like a burrito. I took the first couple of bites, which tasted so good. I grabbed my backpack and stuffed the rest of my breakfast burrito in my mouth and ate the rest quickly, before my dad saw it.
I put on my backpack and walked into the kitchen again. “ Okay I’m ready.” I said. My dad closed his book, and put it to the side.
“ Let’s go then.” He got up from his spot from the table. “ See ya later honey.” My dad said.
“ Dido.” My mom said back, and we walked out.

The whole ride was silent, which wasn’t going great with butterflies. “ So where’s this school?” He asked.
“ I’ll show you.” I said. I got out my backpack and got my planner. Then I turned to the page where I wrote the directions for the school. Go to Keyntya Park. On Henrietta Drive. Then turn into Unit Project Middle School.” I said
“ Well that sounds creepy.” My dad said.
“ Unit Project, middle school.” He said. “ What are you going to be part of a project were they dissect you?” He joked.
“I don’t know.” I shrugged as I said that.
“ Well find out.” He said.
We turned into the school parking lot. Not many cars were there so I felt sick to my stomach. The school was so big. I couldn’t believe it. It is like twice the size of a high school. I saw Henry walking into the building, so I said goodbye and got out of the car. My dad drove away violently. And I went into the school.


As I stepped into the school a rush of cold wind blew in my face. I took a few steps, as I entered a place that smelled of glue paper, and blood.
I had no idea were I got the smell of blood from but it just almost had a rubbery smell as I walked in.
I saw Henry walking away so I ran trying to catch up to him. But then a teacher came out of no were and stopped in front of me.
“ No running in the halls.” A tall man with a thick mustache and brown eyes, with brown hair said.
“ Sorry.” I said. I looked down to the floor then looked back up. “ I swear.”
“ Well what should I expect from a school filled with bad children?” He said. “ I didn’t want this job, I wanted to be in New Jersey with my family, working in their store. To bad they hate me.” The man said.
“ Okay then, I’ll just go to class.” I said.
“ Wait, let me show you, and besides, you wouldn’t know were to go if you didn’t have this piece of paper.” He said handing me a small note card.
It read: History Room 12 8:00
Math Room 30 9:00
Science Room 18 10:00
P.E. 11:00
English Room 51 12:00
Art Room 13 1:00
Reading Room 4 2:00
Biology room 16 3:00

I read the note card and looked back up to the man who just handed it to me. “ Thank you. Without this I might not have been in a class, and get in trouble. This helps a lot.” I said.
“ Your welcome, now let me show you were history class is. Of course it’s in room 12, but it’s on the other side of the school.” The man said. “ I’m Mr. Harrison.” He held out his hand firmly.
“ My name is James.” I said with a happy smile.
We started walking. “ So first time ever being to this school? Right?” He asked.
“ Yeah.”
“ Well let me tell you. Same rules apply here as they did at your old school. If you are good for the week you may be sent back to your regular school, but if you get 5 demerits, then you stay another week.” He said happily.
“ I’m sure they’ll be strict enough, to make you envy each one of your teachers. I promise you that entirely.” He said. “ It will make you good.”
I shivered at the idea. They will make you good. Just creepy. Like as if they were going to install some kind a chip in my brain to make me walk, without tripping, talk without perfect words, and appropriate words come out, eat without sloppiness, and sleep without snoring.
But I ignored the thought as we kept walking. And as we kept walking I saw a door that said, KEEP OUT, in big bolded words.
“ Don’t pay attention to that sign its supposed to scare you out of going in. But just ignore it. It’s the principles office.” He said.
Then we walked past a place that said, in big bolded words POOL AREA. “ That’s were they make you go after a half an hour of P.E. P.E. here is so tiring they make it worse by making you swim 8 laps nonstop.” He said.
“ How big is the pool?” I asked.
“ Olympic sized. It’s so tiring.” He said. As we walked along the corridor I saw what the pool area was like. The pool was sparkling blue, and it was separated into 8 lanes.
Then above the pool it looked as if there was a control room.
“ What’s that?” I pointed to it.
“ Oh that’s just the control room.” He answered. I was right!
“ What does it control?” I asked, curiously.
“Oh just how cold or hot you want the pool to be. It can turn into a hot tube, a bath by turning the water hot, and adding soap, and chlorine control.”
“ Oh well that’s amazing!” I said with of course amazement. Then we passed the pool area.
I never realized how long the trip was taking but I knew for long. But now that I at east found a nice teacher, and not a mean weird one, my butterflies flittered away.
“ So how big is this school?” I asked anxiously.
“ Oh about 6 acres.” He said with a smile.
“ Wow, no wonder this is taking a long time.” I said joking.
“ Oh were almost there.” Mr. Harrison said.
We kept walking along dark corridors, and through hallways. Thousands of doors were on the walls, containing probably 2 people every hundred classes.
Then we came across the last door at the end of the school. “ Well there you are. History.” Mr. Harrison said.
“ Thanks for showing me the way.” I said.
“ Your welcome.” Mr. Harrison said. He locked his eyes on the doorknob, and opened it for me.
The first thing I saw as I entered the room, wad 3 desks. 2 people already sat in them. One of them was Henry, and one of them was a beautiful girl.
She had black hair blue eyes, and beautiful shining teeth. But they weren’t so shiny Wright then because she looked gloomy.
“ I guess the teachers not here right now, just go sit by that girl over there.” Mr. Harrison said.
“ Okay.” I said. He shut the door behind me. In the corner were two backpacks, I went over to them and put my backpack on top. Since there were no lockers I guess that’s what you had to do.
I then took my seat next to that girl. I didn’t try to notice them; I just sat right next to them. Henry just lip talked to me, but I didn’t understand what he was saying.
In the front of the room was a big chalkboard with 3 rows, of perfect length chalk. There was a desk with 2 apples on it. Was I supposed to bring my new teacher apples? Behind the desk sat a small roller chair and a map hanging down.
I could see Henry still lip talking to me.
“ What?” I asked anxiously, and annoyed.
Henry put his finger to his lips like he was saying Shh. Then he continued lip talking. “What!” I yelled. The girl looked up to me, and Henry did to.
“ Don’t talk. They’re watching.” Henry whispered.
“ What do you mean?” I didn’t whisper.
“ Just shut up! By the way I’m Clarice.” The girl said in a mean whisper. She then slouched in her seat again.
I did as she told. I shut up, and slouched in my seat like her. Then I wondered, what did he mean by there watching?
Who’s watching? But at least I got her name. Clarice. What a beautiful name. Her temper was strong but she was still very pretty.
We sat in silence for at least 10 minuets then I interrupted it. “ Okay seriously guys, I don’t want to be here as much as you do, but we should at least talk. Nobody’s watching us. And if there are then their creeps.” I said in one outburst.
“ Okay lighten, I don’t know what your problem is, or why won’t you believe us, but there are people watching our every move. Lightning to our every word, and if we misbehave we stay here for another week!” Clarice said. “ And unless you want to get out of here you need to be quiet. This is my second week here, and I would know if someone’s watching, because of the school gam…” A weird disfigured person walked in interrupted her.
The person that walked in had big green eyes, a big long nose, and had a very old look like she was 100 years old.
Her body was tall, but one side of her hip sticking out. She wore a long blue skirt, and tight high heels. She also had makeup almost in every crevice in her skin.
“ Hello, children of bad quality. I am Mrs. Kenenly. Your history teacher.” She frowned at each one of our faces.
“ I can see we have 2 new students joined in our class Clarice.” She said with a scowl. “ And of course Clarice your back here. You just couldn’t stand the fact of being away so we made the decision of making you stay.”
“ Get up now newcomers.” Mrs. Kenenly said. She pointed to me, and Hennery. We both stood up fast. “ Tell us your names, newcomers.”
Henry spoke first.
“ My name is Henry Googl. I know it’s a weird name…” He couldn’t finish because Mrs. Kenenly said, “ Yes it certainly is.”
Then I stood up.
“ My name is James Fransco.” I said, and immediately sat down.
“ Well welcome, new’s.” Mrs. Kenenly said. Then Henry sat down. “ Well why don’t we start with the Boston Tea Party?”

My next class was better. But every class had something in common. If you thought of falling asleep, or even almost attempted to, the teacher wailed a whistle in your ear.
Luckily to, me Clarice, and Henry all have the same classes together so we all walk there in a line. To bad we never talked. They still said they were watching, and I still didn’t believe them.
But next class was Math so I was more relieved. I love math. But that teacher was even worse. His name was Mr. Bosky. He had short brown hair, with green eyes, and looked like he was 30.
When I got a question wrong he came and smacked his ruler on the desk beside my arm. It startled me so much I almost fell to the floor by sprawling backwards in my chair.
“ Get it right next time or else I’m hitting your face with my ruler.” He said madly.
“ Will do.” I would say, and he’d give me a minuet to get it correct. Henry watched in horror, thinking I was right about children being abused for the fun of it. But it wasn’t actually abuse until he hit me with a ruler.
I am relived to say my science teacher was Mr. Harrison. He was glad I was in his class, because he smiled when he saw my face.
You know the term; you can’t ever make a good impression on someone the first time you meet him or her. Well it’s true for some people, but for me, I made a good impression for Mr. Harrison.
Not so much for the other teachers because, they were mean, and almost, almost abusive. I realized though that Clarice hated Mr. Harrison.
Whenever he called on her, she gave him a mean scowl, and skipped, and ignored his question. But Mr. Harrison didn’t give up there. He Nagged, and nagged her to answer the question.
She seemed to get angry, and him when he did, but she knew that Mr. Harrison, isn’t the kind a teacher to flick a ruler in her face. So she wasn’t the slightest bit of scared.
But P.E. was total hell. Our teacher was named Mr. Isayac. He had muscular arms, black, army shaved hair, and green eyes. It’s so weird that almost every teacher in this school has green eyes.
But the first thing he said was, “ Okay you little butt kissers. It’s time to experience hell. You’re about to find out why they put the sain in satin. Because he’s not sain, and neither is this class.”
He first made us put on really tight 70’s shorts, and really tight shirts to. Then he said, “ Were playing doge ball. Not the wimpy kind, the kind were you run, and I throw.” He said, as he grabbed a really big rubber ball.
“ Run!” He shouted, and we ran trying to catch the ball, and trying to doge them. Our coach got a mean face on as he chucked the ball at us as hard as he could, yelling “ Wimps! You don’t know how to play!”
He threw a hard ball at me. He aimed it at my face. I dropped to the ground shielding my face. The balls came fast but never got me. I crawled really fast, and went behind Clarice.
“ Clarice when I say duck you duck!” I said holding onto her shoulders tightly.
“ Duck!” I said, as a ball flew right toward her face.
“ Henry when I say duck to, pleas duck! And then a ball flew right towards his stomach. “Duck!” I yelled.
To late. The ball came smack into his stomach. He made a grunt. “ Ow.” He yelled.
“ Get up girl!” The coach said. “ Take it like a man, and go sit on the bench. Henry got up, and tried to walk over to the bench, when out of nowhere the coach threw a ball at his head. He fell with a thump.
“ Hey.” I yelled to the coach, but he just ignored me.
“ Clarice.” I said softly. She screamed.
“ Yeah.” She answered.
“ When I say duck, you duck, and I’ll catch.” I said softly, and lovingly, as balls flew past us.
“Okay.” She screamed one more time. And then it happened. 2 balls came sprawling towards us.
“DDDDDDDDDDDUUUUUUUUUKKKKKKKK!” I yelled intensely, and loudly, and she ducked fast.
I closed my eyes, and held out my hand and…
I caught the two balls. I turned to Clarice who was in a crouched position holding her head like as if there was an earthquake.
“ It’s okay Clarice.” I said nicely.
“ Good.” Clarice said intensely. I never though I’d see her scared like that, in a fetal position.
I put out my hand and helped her up.
“ Thanks. A lot.” She said happily, but shyly.
“ Your welcome, it’s the least I could do.” I said. Henry stood on the stand shouting, “ Yeah James, good freaking job!”
“ Yes good, job, Clarice. James. You were excellent.” Coach said.
“ You can all go now.” He said.
And we did. Clarice stood beside me. We were about to walk to be class Henry on the other side. We were about to go to art class. When we were totally out of sight of the coach, Clarice reached up, and kissed me on the lips.

I couldn’t concentrate the rest of the day. Clarice had just given me my first kiss. And on the lips!
I totally think this is a start of a relationship! I’m going to need a phone number, and you know that kind stuff. I mean I saved her from being hit with doge balls. I’m the hero, of this story.
But the one problem is that, I can’t tell my mom or dad about Clarice. They’d freak! Besides it might not be such a big deal. But I now it’s a big deal.
Just not anything I should share with anyone. But anyway I was walking home with Henry, back to our houses, because the school people want us to walk, instead of be picked up. So we just walked, our houses weren’t that far away.
“ Finally we get to talk!” Henry said, rubbing his neck.
“ I know I felt like a hostage in there!” I said.
“ Yeah, me to. I wish they didn’t watch us.” Henry said.
I looked at him weirdly.
“ Who’s watching?” I asked. “ Tell me or else I’ll go insane!”
“ You, don’t know? Well Clarice told you, and I told you, how could you not know?” Henry asked madly.
“ I just didn’t believe her.” I said.
“ Oh your selfish.” Henry said madder. “ The teachers are watching us. They have camera’s in every room, watching what you say, how the teachers teach, how you move! And if anything goes out of place your coming back next week. We almost had to stay again if it wasn’t for you!”
“ Sorry!” I said loudly. “ I didn’t know!”
“ How could you not know? We told you.” He frowned, as we came up his driveway. “Besides, now that you have a girlfriend, start trusting her.”
“ Well how can, I trust either of you? Clarice was acting like the toughest kid ever, but then she started crying, so she wouldn’t get hit with a ball, and you, never talked to me! We always break the freaking rules!” I said.
“ Well this time is different then!” He yelled. He walked up his driveway more. “ Just believe us. Trust me, when you find out were telling the truth, you’ll be less excited.” He walked off.
“ I wasn’t even excited!” I said, mad as can be. He was so excited about going to a new school, and having a new experience, and now he turns on all of it.
I felt like smacking him across the face, and making him water in his eyes. I was mad! Having, a girlfriend, and all made it sound kind an exciting, but she’s weird, if she says people are watching!
I walked farther down the street, under shady trees, and along roads, with laughing children, but even that didn’t make me unstressed.
And then I walked by my school. It looked innocent, and all good, and unthreatening, flowers were planted in the schoolyard, and lunch tables sat on many different places. While Unit Project middle school had no flowers, only decaying grass, the windows, had bars on it, and the school was surrounded by fence, and security lights.
I scowled, at the thought of going back to the same school the very next day. But I had to, or else I had to face another dreaded week.
At least though I have Clarice to make it, a little better. At least I made that new friend.
When I passed my old school, I came along a skating park. People were on their skateboards, minding there own business, and that’s when I noticed what they had. In their mouths they had cigarettes, they spat them on their pavement they were riding on.
On the benches surrounding the park were bottles hidden in paper bags, beer bottles, and packs of tobacco. And what really scared me was, that there were a couple guns that had smoke rising above their shooters.
A dark alley, covered with graffiti, stood besides the park. What if they shot someone in that dark alley? I wondered anxiously. I took a few steps towards the park.
I decided I wanted to check the alley out, to see if they killed anyone. No. I took a few steps back. That will endanger my life.
But then something happened that surprised me, so much. “ Hey kid, come skate with us.” One of the skate guys said. My eyes grew wide with fear.
“ No thanks.” I said.
“ Oh come on, it’s fun. We know you don’t have a skate board but we can fill you in.” The guy who was talking to, me had a buzz cut. His eyes were black, as they darted back and forth. He wore a long white short, and short blue pants, more like shorts.
He parked himself on the ledge, of the steep hill, that started the skate park. “ Sorry, maybe later.” I said, anxious to get home, and away from these people.
“ Just come, I swear we’ll be nice, and it will be fun!” He said happily.
“ I said no!”
“ Fine maybe this will change your mind.” He said. He bent over, were the guns, and drinks stood. Then he picked up a gun.
I stood in fear. “ You know, when I want someone to do something, they do it. And if they don’t… well… something happens to them.” He smiled, an evil grin. “ And since you’re not doing what I told… Well, let me tell you, this is going to be easy, as smashing a spider, right there in front of you.” He pointed the gun at me; he got a great shot, because I stood, glued to the ground.
“ No!” I yelled with a terrified shriek. My house was 3 blocks away, so I decided to run.
My feet finally picked up speed, the more I ran. My arms swayed, and my fists were clenched tight.
I was running so I wouldn’t die. The guy, who held out the gun, gave out a large grunt, and he started running after me, madly. On his way he kicked a bottle that was hidden in a brown paper bag making a loud glass crashing sound.
I ran down the street, so scared, I couldn’t believe it. The guy was feet away from me, so that scared me even more.
“ I’m going to get you little freak.” The guy yelled behind me.
“ Help me. Help me!” I yelled, but no one Come out to see who was yelling.
The guy held out his gun behind my back firmly. He shot a bullet, but it flew right past my head.
My legs started to feel rubbery, and achy. I was breathing hard, and sweet ran down my face rapidly. “You’ll get tired soon, and then you’ll slow down.” He shot again, but it hit a stop sign, reflecting it off.
My parent’s weren’t going to be home so I had no one to protect me but myself. And that was what scared me even more. Plus no one no one has seen me running down the street being chased, except for some jogging people, and fat people with skinny dogs. Finally I found my house on the corner of the street. Another shot came from behind me, going into some person’s window.
And finally I got to run up the driveway, and open my door. A rush of cold air greeting my face, made me less hot. I quickly turned, and closed the door, locking it firmly, and tightly.
I then quickly sprinted to my indoor garage door, and opened it quickly. My dad hid a gun somewhere in the garage so was here to find it. I quickly closed the door, behind me, just in case he got in.
I started rummaging through boxes, and boxes of power tools, and screwdrivers, and weapons, to find the gun, but no luck at all. Just no luck.
But I kept looking, but until I looked through every box, I still hadn’t found it. I got up from a crouch I was doing on the ground, to look at all the counters to find it. But still nothing but a chainsaw, and screw drivers.
“ Pleas god, help me!” I said scared for my life to end at that moment, and then a shot came. A bullet crashed through the garage door.
It hit a bunch of special tools; my dad had mounted on the wall, but instantly in fell to the ground. Tools crashing everywhere.
I screamed in terror. “ Pleas no! Please!” I kept yelling. Then another bullet shot through right besides the other hole.
“ Your going to did kid.” The guy said through the hole. He reached his hand in it, and broke apart the garage door.
“ No I’m not!” I said confidently, as he broke apart my garage door. His hand was on the inside of the garage so I quickly grabbed a sharp, screwdriver, and threw it at the guy’s hand. It stuck firmly into his skin. He cried out a terrible shriek.
Blood trickled down the white door. But he kept tearing apart the door. “ You’re going to die, kid. I swear it, you’re going to die, right here and right now!”
“ NOT IF I CAN HELP IT!” I yelled, as I grabbed the chainsaw. I pulled the chainsaws string tightly, 6 times, until it was fully activated, but when it was totally activated the man pulled his arm back in.
“ Hey what’s that noise?” He asked.
“ Oh nothing just keeps attacking.” I said. I stood right besides the hole, streaming with light into my dark garage.
And finally he reached his hand in again.
I made a big grunt, and raised the chainsaw high in the air, and with one big scream I let my chainsaw touch in hand and go into his flesh.
He screamed loudly, as blood spurted all over the garage door, as I let the moving blades sink deeper, and deeper, into his hand. He scrunched his hand into a fist, as he tried to pull it out, but I kept his hand right there.
“ Please, I’ll stop! Pleas! I swear!” He cried. “I’ll, I’ll do anything, just please let me go.” He screamed in pain again
To late his hand was chopped off, and it fell to the ground. I screamed, and jumped backwards, leaving the chainsaw on, and on the floor. “Awwwwwwww!” The guy screamed in bloody murder. He slammed his good fist on the door of the garage. “ You shouldn’t have let me go, kid, cause I’m a freaking liar!” He poked his gun through the hole pointing it at me, directly, and then he shot.
But no bullets came towards me. None! He had run out of bullets. “ To bad.” I said happily. “And to bad you’re going to jail.” I popped up, and that’s when I noticed, a phone. I dialed 911, and waited for someone to answer.

The cops came 2 minuets later. Luckily the guy was outside crying holding his hand in disbelief. “ How did this happen?” He called out still crying.
I couldn’t believe that happened either. That was the goriest, grossest, scariest look in the world. But hey, I was just protecting myself. At least the guy who I cut the hand off of is going to the hospital.
But when I called my mom and dad telling them about what happened, they flipped. My dad wasn’t to thrilled about cleaning up the blood, and my mom seemed to not care, that her little sunny was okay. I guess she was to catch up in grieving about all the repairs they’ll have to do on the garage.
But that’s just my mom. Going with whatever stupid thing my dad’s doing. After the cops were done talking to my parent’s, and rummaging through the house, they came to me.
A tall guy with a brown mustache, and blond hair came. His look was very odd, and what made it worse were the black gleaming bug eyes staring at me.
“ Hey Bucko. How are you doing?” The tall man said.
“ Fine.” I said back.
“Are you hurt, at all?” He asked again. He seemed to be nervous.
“ No, no damage, just on our precious garage door that my dad cares about more than me.” I said madly.
“ Well it’s okay. I’m sure, he loves you.” He said.
“ Not much.” I said back, with a really gloomy face.
The man put out his hand. “ Hi I’m officer Roger.” He said kindly. “ Yours.”
“ James.” I said boringly back.
“ Well James, I want you to call this number, every time, you need someone to talk to. Or whenever you’re in big trouble. I’ll come rushing over.” Officer roger got up, and gave me a card. “ It has my number on it.” He walked away.
I didn’t fell like talking just to sit in the corner and cry. I just went through something that could have killed me, and my parents care about the garage more than me.
At least mom will talk to me about it. Maybe get a divorce, maybe kick my dad out the house, I don’t know but my dad is getting on my nerves.


It was like it never even happened. My mom that night didn’t come in to talk and in the morning she didn’t come in and talk. I woke up like nothing happened.
But that night I had a dream, and thoughts accrued in my head like, what if that guy got me, what if he shot me, what if I didn’t get home? I couldn’t really imagine it, because I don’t want to. All I would say is that it would be a gory mess.
When I woke up a fresh pair of pants, and a shirt hung at the end of the bed. My mom provably hung them there. So I got up, and took another shower, and went back in the room, and put on the fresh pair of pants, and shirt, that said, COOL DUDE. It was orange, and I had a really loose pair of jeans.
I picked up my green backpack, and strapped it to my back. I walked out the door, with a frown. When I got to the bottom of the steps my parent’s were at the bottom. My dad sat at the table with a cup of coffee, and he held up a black and white newspaper.
My mom stood by the stove standing up, and crossing her legs. She had a light green shirt on, and a pair of stripped pants. She held a blue mug of coffee to her lips, as she sniffed it and took a drink. The smell was strong so I could taste the lingering bitterness of it.
“ Hey.” I said, breaking an uncomfortable silence.
“ Hey honey, have a good sleep last night?” My mom asked taking another sip of her coffee.
“Yeah. You?” I asked, my dad still ignoring us.
“ Yeah.” She answered.
“ Make any breakfast?” I asked politely so I didn’t sound rood.
“ No I woke up late, had no time. You can make yourself toast if you want to.” She asked.
“ No thanks.” I said back.
“ Okay well, Stuart, you better get going with James.” She coughed mentioning his name again.
“ What?” He asked. “ Have to take him to that freak school again?”
“ Yep.” She answered.
“ Fine.” He sounded irritated. He put down his newspaper, and sipped his coffee.
“ Your story was in the paper this morning. Sorry we had no time to talk about it. If you didn’t have to go to this school we wouldn’t be letting you go. This must have been traumatizing for you.” He said, still sounding very irritated.
“ Oh.” I muttered under my breath.
“ Come see.” He said, laying out the article for me to see. I walked over to the table where it was and looked down at it.

KID NEARLY MURDERED James, a local boy, stumbled upon a gang member with a gun, on his way back from school. He was chased nearly 3 blocks, being shot at with the gun that the gang member held which we found out was Keenan Ok’ell, a local actor that scares children. He seems dangerous as he points the gun but he’s really just a gang prankster. Fleeing for what James thought was his last moment’s he fled into his garage. The actor (Keenan Ok’ell) Opened a hole in the garage to get in. James, took a screwdriver, and flew it at the hands of the actor. The actor finally went crazy, and changed his mind about acting, and became a cold-blooded killer. Luckily James cut the hand off him, and called the police. Detective Roderick Wayne’s confronted the killer, making him spill out that now he wants to kill, and he was just acting, but it started to change. “ I didn’t know this guy was an actor, slowly turning into a murderer, but when he finally confessed, I was so surprised. This was the weirdest case yet.” Is what young detective Roderick said, while being interviewed, on 12:00 news that night? “ I never saw anything like it. It is so almost unspeakable, and something you would never ever hear of or, should experience.” He said at 5:00 news. “ Only that is what psychos like him would do. This world has just gotten so sick! Who would do that to some 12-year-old kid? I’m sorry we haven’t got any words about James or his experience, but his parents set him up so he can be on 10:00 news.” Keenan Ok’ell that night was put in Henry’s Hospital to get his wound fixed. It took 100 stitches, but he deserves it. He was later the next morning at 4:00 in the morning put in the SanKelleny’s Police Department. He has a life sentence, and will be prosecuted for of course attempted pretend, real murder. It’s very hard to explain, because, he said, “This was never supposed to happen. They made me!”

I looked down in disbelief. My parents are putting me on 10:00 news! How could they do that? But what disturbed me more was that, Keenan Ok’ell, said something that was in the paper. It exactly said, this was never supposed to happen they made me!
All what he said was they made me. Who made him? It makes me wonder, that this all ties up with what Clarice, and Henry say, there watching us! The same weird saying that my friend’s used.
But I pushed out that out my head, I thought to figure that out later, right now I was mad. I still had my eyes on the paper, so I looked up at my dad. He pulled back the paper. “ So that’s how you were going to break it to me! Without telling. I don’t want to be one of those kids who looks like he’s about to go through denial!” I said yelling at my dad.
“ Well your not, this is just a type of therapy, to break the ice off your life. Your going Saturday, at 10: am. We just didn’t want to talk to you about it right then, and last night, cause we knew you’d get really mad. You’re going to go and talk in front of millions of people.” He said sounding like he wanted to piss me off.
“ But I don’t want to share my freaking feelings with everyone! That’s embarrassing and sick!” I frowned, and stomped away.
“ BYE!” I yelled, and I swung open the front door of my house, it hit my wall with a thump that almost broke the wall.
“ WAIT!” My mom yelled. She dropped her coffee, splashing to the ground with a gigantic crack. “ You can’t walk to school!” She yelled.
“ Hey, honey, don’t bother him right now, he’s just being stubborn.” My dad said. But my mom, just kept looking out the door, all worried.

12 minuets later I walked into the school, again, a cold rush of air flew in my face. Shadowy, trees that hung around the school, made the halls all gloomy, and dark. I was mad.
I wasn’t excited about seeing Henry either. He’s just so stupid sometimes. Changing his mind about things, and always acting as if he just intercourse’s new way’s to act. I walked past Mr. Harrison’s office, but he wasn’t there. I didn’t see his big mustache, or big beefy body.
I walked, past the pool area, and looked in the control room, and something made me stop my raging rampage. Someone was up there; up they’re with a person.
It was some brown haired person, who looked like a student, his head was back firmly against the glass. He probably was sitting on a button, because steam was rising from the pool, red lights were streaming from the bottom of the pool. The pool was also bubbling highly.
Then his head pounded on the glass. He held his head. I could barely hear those people screaming at each other, but I couldn’t understand, what they said, because of the bubbles.
Then his head pounded on the glass, again and again. Like someone was beating him up. Then he turned around. He really was a student! I saw him roaming the halls. His head pounded on the glass again. He started to cry hard. It looked like he was pounded hard.
Then again, even harder, and this time blood sprouted from his head, splashing on the glass, and as it sprinkled down, he banged on the glass, like he was saying help me.
Then he was pounded again, getting more blood on the glass. He rubbed around in it as he pounded his hands for help. I watch din total horror, it scared me a lot so I stopped looking, but I couldn’t, I had to see the teacher. And then I saw the face of Mr. Harrison.


This is an original slasher flick. But this isn't any old slasher flick, it's a PG-13 movie! Maybe the first PG-13 slasher flick! But it's a great movie till the ending. I wont tell you it cause it would ruin the movie, but lets just say you'll be exstremely disapointed!


This movie really isn't to scary, but has it's moments. It actually has some of the funniest comments a serial killer would say. But this movie isn't to slow as the ones i've already posted but it has slow parts, but its ver entertaining.


This movie was slow, but hard core horror! One of the most disturbing movies I've ever seen!
Sorry the last video didn't post, so just go to YOUTUBE.

The Messengers

This movie was so scary! It starts scary, but then gets really slow. But soon it will pick up, and the most suprising thing happens at the end! Great 5 star movie!


For this long post, i will be posting horror movies, that i want to see, or that I've seen. Here are some scary movies, ans scary videos. But just so you know, next post will be comedy movies!


Hi, I'm sterling Tull. In this blog you will hear about the movies, that I have seen, and the way I feel about them. I will also post up, my favorite vids, and coments about them.